Hello!! This weekend I dedicated myself to decorating my bathroom with small furniture that I had forgotten in the storage room and now it become part of my home again. The restoration of a miniature bathroom stool.
I needed a stool next to the tub and a shelf to place it above bathrobes. In there I will put the bath salts, a beautiful rose and … my favorite perfume.
And what better for it, than restore my old stool and bookshelf?
Let’s do it!
How to restore the bathroom stool?
Material needed to make the sool and shelf:
- acrylic paint water
- white glue
- scissors
- a rule
- a pencil
- patterned paper
- foam sheet
- white lace
- a miniature stool
- set of towels

We use the base of the stool as template for the paper and foam.

We mesure the length of the ribbon with the perimeter of the stool and a little bit more.

I chosen a very pale pink.

We glue the bases

We’re almost finishing !!
Glue the lace in the edge of the stool
And see it!! Wonderful

My old stool … what warmth you give to the bathroom. Together again!

And now, to complete the decoration, we need only to restore the shelf.
I invite you to accompany to me in our next meet!